Feature: Rotating Range: 560 degree in parallel, 270 degree in vertical. The laser direction could be changed easily in a wide range. The image&©|65295; moving picture is made up with red, green and yellow lasers. Images&©|65295; moving pictures could be moved and rotated in the range of rotating.
Technical Data Working Voltage: from 100V to 240V Working Frequency: 50Hz &©|65374;60Hz Power: 80 W Imput port: TTL Output power after laser: Green lasesr 30mW &©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288;&©|12288; Red laser 100mW Scan Speed: > 10k pps Co***tible with DMX512 |